Museums and Exhibitions

  • 11 Months Ago
  • Leisure
The Zambezi Museum was officially opened on 18th May 2021 which was also International Museums Day. The launch featured speeches from Her Excellency Ambassador Sinikka Antila, Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to Namibia, and different stakeholders of the project, as well as cultural performances with drums and mashamba and a virtual tour of the museum. The development of the exhibitions in the museum has been guided by an Advisory Committee (ZAMAC). The Committee is encouraging people to provide more information, artefacts, photographs and stories to help the museum expand its collections and create new displays. ZAMAC has made a particular appeal for assistance in identifying places of importance in the region so that it can help create a map of important heritage sites in the vicinity..

Zambezi is the region with the greatest biodiversity in Namibia. The Zambezi Museum (ZAMU) is located in Katima Mulilo and is at the heart of the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA). KAZA coordinates activities to safeguard the wildlife and environment with the neighbouring countries of Angola, Botswana, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

The Zambezi Museum focuses on the environmental difficulties that face communities living in the Zambezi Region. The region has a complex history and the museum reflects the way in which the landscape reflects the memories of the people who live here and the ways they have managed the environment.

The museum shows the ways in which people are developing strategies to co-habit with wildlife, prevent deforestation, manage fish stocks and cope with climate change. The museum aims to be an “ecomuseum” and to develop into Namibia’s first “Green Museum”.

Please contact the museum if you have suggestions, images, objects or stories that can help us to develop the museum as a space where we can discuss environmental issues and see the way culture has engaged with the natural resources of our region.

The Museum Development as a Tool for Strengthening Cultural Rights in Namibia project was implemented by the Museums Association of Namibia in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture in the Republic of Namibia. This project is funded by the European Union.

Katima Mulilo

Zambezi Museum

Community Library

Dr. Hage Geingob Drive

Tel: +264 66 253 755

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Zambezi Museum

Instagram: @zambezimuseum


Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 10am-18pm