Museums and Exhibitions

  • 1 Year Ago
  • Leisure
The National Museum of Namibia is Namibia's oldest museum and was established by the imperial German administration already in 1907. It is a historical and zoological museum in Windhoek.

Owela Museum (National Museum)

4 Robert Mugabe Ave

Tel: (+264) 61 276800

Mon – Fri: 9am-6

Sat & Sun 3-6pm

Alte Fort Museum - Photo: Sven-Eric Stender, Bush Telegraph Namibia
Das Buch "Wüstendiamanten" von Gino Noli wird von der Swakopmunder Buchhandlung empfohlen.
Buchtipp der Woche
  • August 10, 2023
The Zambezi Museum  shows the ways in which people are developing strategies to co-habit with wildlife, prevent deforestation, manage fish stocks and cope with climate change. Photo: private
Das Buch "Geschichte Namibias" von Marion Wallace führt in die Geshichte Namibias ein.
Buchtipp der Woche
  • August 03, 2023