The Windhoeker Buchhandlung recomments

  • 2 Years Ago
  • Leisure
For generations, the deserts of southern Africa have intrigued scientists and travellers alike. Seemingly barren wastes, they in fact teem with life – from ants to elephants, stone plants to the curious welwitschia, dainty dik-diks to towering gemsbok, and cart-wheeling spiders to fog-basking beetles. How do they cope with scarce resources, unpredictable rainfall and extreme temperatures? How do they protect themselves against predators? And what is the impact of global heating on these creatures and their habitats?

ISBN: 9781775847045

The Windhoeker Buchhandlung

Independence Ave 69, Windhoek

Phone: 061 225 216
Alte Fort Museum - Photo: Sven-Eric Stender, Bush Telegraph Namibia
Das Buch "Wüstendiamanten" von Gino Noli wird von der Swakopmunder Buchhandlung empfohlen.
Buchtipp der Woche
  • August 10, 2023
The Zambezi Museum  shows the ways in which people are developing strategies to co-habit with wildlife, prevent deforestation, manage fish stocks and cope with climate change. Photo: private
Das Buch "Geschichte Namibias" von Marion Wallace führt in die Geshichte Namibias ein.
Buchtipp der Woche
  • August 03, 2023